About the website acordiaiplaw.com
The website acordiaiplaw.com was a website created for the Acordia Intellectual Property Law Group. It was a very simple website that followed a very futuristic design. There were photos on the landing page of the website that showed a handshake, a robot, and a man dressed up as a professor. Besides those photos, there were options to read about how the firm is able to help with patents, trademarks, and licensing.
On the rightmost part, there was a short description of the firm and a telephone number under the description. The header of the website showed the firm’s logo and the words “Intellectual property law group”. The homepage was very simple. It only included blog posts about patents and trademarks in the USA.
The blog posts topics that were on the homepage of the website included articles about the America Invents Act, America Invents Act (AIA), and many other related articles. On the header, there was a link to read about the lawyers on the firm, the practice areas, resources, and the contact details of the law firm.
The website used a theme of Gray and White for the colors. It made the website look neat and clean. It was also very easy to navigate because the important links were hard to miss. The website was created in 2012. To read other related articles, visit Real Estate Law News.
Services on acordiaiplaw.com
On the landing page, the first thing the visitor would see were the articles that lined up on the whole website. There were many articles that the visitor was able to read on and learn more about patents and trademarks, which was the law firm’s area of focus. The last blog post on the website was entitled “Practice Tips: America Invents”.
Other titles of the blog posts on the website include: “New Matter Contribution”, “First-to-File” System? Not Really”, “America Invents Act Arrives”, “Software Patents Continue to Challenge Patent Attorneys”, “Attention universities and “micro-entities” – cheaper patents!”, “The new inequitable conduct standard”, “Patent reform moves forward another step!”, and “Longer waits for patent applications?”
If the visitor clicked on the “Professionals” link, they would be redirected to a webpage that included a description of the three lawyers involved in the firm. The paragraph on that page said, “Each attorney at the firm has over fifteen years experience in their area of expertise. We focus exclusively on patents, trademarks, copyright, and licensing and provide a broad array of services in those specialty areas including patent drafting, trademark, and copyright registration and enforcement, and agreements necessary for multi-company prototype development, software development, and subsequent manufacturing and distribution.”
Aside from the aforementioned, the visitor may also visit the “Practice Areas” page where they would be able to see a short introduction that said, “Acordia Intellectual Property Law Group specializes in three practice areas: Patent, Trademarks, and Licensing.” If the visitor hovers over the “Practice Areas” button, they would see the three practice areas and they would be able to choose which one would be able to provide them the information that they needed.
Another button the visitor would be able to click on is the “Resources” button. This would take the visitor to a page that listed all the resources used for the blog posts on the website. This page was filled with lists and links that the visitor would be able to use to learn more about patents and trademarks, and which one applied to their case. This part included categories such as Patents and Trademarks, General Government, Courts, and Business and Finance.
The visitor would also be able to find the address of the firm under the “Contact” page. The address of the firm was 1445 E. Los Angeles Avenue Suite 301B, Simi Valley, CA 93065-2827. Their telephone number was (805) 443-9403. There was also a form on the website that allowed the visitor to directly send the lawyers an email if they had any questions.
About Acordia Intellectual Property Law Group
The law firm Acordia Intellectual Property Law Group was a team of three lawyers who specialized in working with patents, trademarks, and licensing. They specifically narrowed their area of focus in order to provide their clients with high-quality and cost-effective legal advice that was personal and tailored to what the client needed.
The law firm provided a broad array of Intellectual Property services including patent drafting, trademark, and copyright registration and enforcement, and agreements necessary for multi-company prototype development, software development, and subsequent manufacturing and distribution. The firm also had a network of associated law firms and assisted in the international protection of a company’s most important inventions, patents, and trademarks.
Acordia Intellectual Property Law Group also worked hard to represent their clients efficiently. They were also able to represent clients and companies at various stages of growth, from start-up to Fortune 500. The lawyers at Acordia Intellectual Property Law Group understood that intellectual property is a very important part of someone’s business plans and they worked hard to protect those rights.